#GAAD2021 – 10th Global Accessibility Awareness Day
If it was pre-covid time, it’s a moment for a grand celebration across the world. This year marks 10th anniversary for Global Accessibility Awareness Day founded by Jennison and Joe Devon. GAAD came into existence to promote accessibility in simple ways to people around the world. Idea of Jennison and Joe has been quickly adopted by the industry and individuals. Over the years, a lot of events taking place some in small scale and some in large. In spite of pandemic, even last year many events took place though virtual.
This year too, there are about 151 events taking place around the world. Appreciate all the organizers, their sponsors and partners for enthusiastically marking Global Accessibility Awareness Day. Some of the events that I’m participating are:
- Technology – utilization by all: A Telugu speech by Dr. Gurajada Garikipati. This will be aired Live on YouTube and will be available for later viewing. Objective of hosting this event is to raise awareness among spiritual leader community and to leverage their ability to reach wider.
- #COVIDAccessibilityBugBounty – hosted by BarrierBreak and partners. This will be an interesting effort to identify accessibility bugs on COVID related websites and mobile applications. There are plenty of COVID related resources but not many of them are accessible to people with disabilities.
- HelloA11Y – hosting a virtual conference for second year in the row; consist of great line up speakers from the around world. This conference is pre-approved by The International Association of Accessibility Professionals (IAAP) for Continuing Education Units (CEUs).
- Series of presentations by Prakat Solutions Inc and partners. There are series of presentations that will be played in different timezones. Wonderful line up of speakers.
- GAAD Celebrations by Diksoochi for Persons with Disabilities
- Focus Group Discussion on Technology role in different aspects hosted by Saksham
There are many more events happening around the world. Do join one that fits into your schedule and contribute raising awareness about accessibility. Let’s hope next year we should be able to celebrate in-person. #HappyGAAD.