Last chance to comment: WCAG 2.1 last public working draft is now available

The Accessibility Guidelines Working Group of W3C has published last public working draft of WCAG 2.1 and one can send in comments no later than 12th January, 2018. This is a fantastic opportunity for those who are not full time into accessibility but want to spend their holiday / festive session in getting acquitted with something new. A quick note from Editors of WCAG 2.1

WCAG 2.1 adds new success crtiteria to expand coverage users of mobile devices, people with cognitive or learning disabilities, and people with low vision. Most success criteria are complete, but some are still under discussion. The success criteria under discussion are marked with editorial notes and pointers to the ongoing discussion. As these success criteria are finalized, they will be updated in the Editors’ Draft

Because this is the final Working Draft, we encourage you to comment on all success criteria as soon as possible, and please comment no later than 12 January 2018. If you have comments on this draft or on continuing work on open issues, we prefer that you file input as new issues in GitHub

Alternatively, you can send email to:

The Working Group plans to publish the Candidate Recommendation in late January 2018. The Candidate Recommendation will include the final form of success criteria currently still under discussion, though they will be marked as “at risk” due to the lack of review opportunity from this current draft.

Additional background on WCAG 2.1 is available from previous announcements:

More information about the Accessibility Guidelines Working Group is available from its home page

So here is a final chance to have your say in building standards to create inclusive web experiences!

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