Accessibility of Payments

This is a talk being presented at 50p Conference on 9th February 2018.


Below are the slides and full text will be made available soon.

[slideshare id=87295682&doc=accessiblepayments-180206063821]


Full Text

Hello Everyone, My name is Srinivasu, I lead accessibility at Informatica. I’m also Founder of ServeOM Inclusion – a platform to raise awareness about accessibility. I love helping companies to set up accessibility practices. As part of this, I help a few companies such as Prakat Solutions, Amnet Systems etc., Not really a very active contributor but I follow developments of new accessibility standards being part of Accessibility Guidelines Working Group. I’m a certified Web Accessibility Specialist by International Association of Accessibility Professionals and associated with IAAP as an individual member.

In this session, we will be talking about currency, wallets, cards, POS machines, electronic transactions and accessibility for all of these.

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