App review: 6by6 by BarrierBreak

This is another innovation in the assistive technology space from India. 6by6 By BarrierBreak has 3 amazing features to assist people with low vision and vision impairment. Here is a review of it’s 3 features and how they could help users.

  • Currency Identifier: In the recent past, In India, Reserve Bank of India has released several new currency notes and all of them are inaccessible to people with blindness. Almost all of them has same sizes and difficult to find difference. Currency identification feature comes handy in dealing with money. All that use needs to do is open 6by6 app, Tap on currency detector; this will open an in-app camera, place currency note about 4 – 5 inches away and tap anywhere on the app; this will read aloud currency. Though several lakhs of currency notes are trained to the app, it’s better to scan more than a few times to ensure accuracy. My tests show accuracy of about 85%.
  • Magnifier: Being a person with low-vision,  this is my most favourite feature. I have personally used this feature for reading menu in a restaurant, name of conference rooms at my work, signages at a bus station, labels in a retail store. One of the fabulous feature of this magnifier is that using freeze option, user can freeze a specific area of text and read at user’s comfort level. User can choose his/her desired magnification level using the slider. 
  • Light Detector: Imagine user is a person with vision impairment and checked into a hotel. How would he or she would know if lights in the room are turned-on. Light detector will assist by providing if lights are on, if there is dimmed light or bright light etc.,   

To begin with, these are great set of features and am sure, innovation at BarrierBreak continuous and more tools get added in days to come. Congratulations team and best of luck! 

Get the 6by6 app from Play Store

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