App review: Eye-D – app built for people with vision impairment but helpful to all

Imagine, if you are in a new town and would like to explore places around you. If you are sure what kind of things you would want to explore, you may just ask someone. But what if you are unsure of what you would like to visit or just want to explore things around you. In such a situation, it’s difficult to ask someone. Even if you ask, they may just tell you about a couple of things around but do not really spend time to list out everything that exist.

There comes Eye-D App handy. What’s Eye-D? Eye-D is an app (available both on Android and iOS) that helps people with vision impairment to explore places around them, take pictures using accessible camera, read text on an image etc., This is available as a Free and Pro versions.

Eye-D Free

Eye-D helps visually impaired be location aware, explore and navigate to nearby places of interest, evaluate surroundings with their smartphone camera and read printed text. Eye-D will serve as the true companion for most of your daily assistance needs.

Eye-D Pro

Read Text Offline, Access to exclusive Eye-D Market, Advanced OCR Reading multiple languages, share, save the recognised text and many more, First of its kind “Accessible Camera”, Travel Mode with sticky notification in notification drawer.

A few cool features

Where am I? This feature will let user know their current location and places around them in the tedious of 500 meters. This has solved my life-time problem since we get a lot of new shops around where we live or whenever we visit a new town, it’s easy to know what is around us.

Around me This is again a very useful feature. If we are in a new town and looking for an ATM, Bank, Hospital, Store, religious place, Cinima, food etc., just hit on Around me and select what are you looking for. It will list down places in your chosen category. Interesting thing you can select a redious that you prefer.

Travel Mode This is a great feature. Once Travel mode is activated, app keep announcing what is around as users moves on the road. User can set a frequency of announcement.

Accessible Camera A beautifully designed camera enable users with blindness to take pictures

Read text on object Imagine a user with print disability is alone at home and need to take medicine; app helps user read the medicine label.

Read Text in image This is a handy feature when there is a text embedded on to an image. This is a common in promotional and marketing content.

Below are a few screenshots of Eye-D.

Eye-D Home Screen
Advanced OCR Screen
Where am I screen
Eye-D Free Home Screen
See object in image

Advanced OcR is another interesting feature and works in multiple languages. Watch this video on how to use it.

Fabulous by this energetic team! Try out the app on Android on Play store and iOS on App Store.

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