Bangalore Accessibility Meet-up July 2013 – a Thank you note!

Inspired by Ted Drake of Intuit, who initiated and hosted Bangalore Accessibility Dinner back in May, 2013, I thought, we should continue the momentum. Thanks to the The National Association for the Blind, Karntaka Branch for their support with venue and logistics which helped us to organize 2nd Bangalore Accessibility Meet up on 27th July 2013. It was good to see about 15 folks joined us from around the city and it was more encouraging to see new participants from companies like Bang the Table and so on!

We had no agenda for this meet up and the objective was to share news about accessibility and what’s happening around the world. Group was excited about HTML 5 Tour being organized by W3C India.

Also, we have made a note to have a look at the final draft of WCAG2ICT document and the group was agreed to read the documents and send in comments if any.

In midst of our discussion, there was one question about how we can create awareness about Accessibility to Government departments and encourage them to implement Web Guidelines for Indian Government Websites and that gave us a plan to pick a few departments and each one of start reaching out to see what we can do in next three months time. Some of the departments we have picked including Income Tax Department, IRCTC, LIC, Bangalore One, etc., Guys, let’s strive our best to achieve our goal!

Thank you all who were able to join us and looking forward to seeing you all in next meet up. Spread the word!

We have decided to meet every last Saturday of the month, so the next meet up will be on 24th August, 2013. Please RSVP on Bangalore Accessibility Meet up August 2013 event page on Facebook

Twitter: @CSrinivasu

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