Twitter Campaign to support #PasstheRPDBill

Thanks to NCPEDP and Mr. Javed Abidi for putting this together. It’s important that The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill gets passed soon to make lives of people with disabilities more independent and make India more inclusive. Here are the details:

Please join the Twitter Campaign on Monday, 12th December from 3 to 6 pm
for the passage of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill (RPWD Bill)

Here’s what you need to do –

1. Get online on Twitter on Monday, 12th December from 3 to 6 pm. The idea is to tweet about the Bill widely and make #PassRPWDBill trend. Whenever anything trends on Twitter, the media automatically picks it up.

2. A few tweets have been created already (given below). Use these or create your own. Keep the message short but don’t forget to use #PassRPWDBill in your messaging.

3. Tweet to all the MPs (list is attached). Do not limit yourself it to your State. The message should go out to everyone. Example:

Just 60 seconds to change the lives of 10 crore people. Pass the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Bill @Siva_Chiranjivi #PassRPWDBill (This same message can be done for all the MPs)

Other tweets:

70 million lives could change with the passage of the disability bill #PassRPWDBill

60 second of #RajyaSabha to change the destiny of 70 million persons with #disability #PassRPWDBill

Appeal to #RajyaSabha. Spare a few minutes to #passRPWDBill

Appeal to #Parliament Don’t leave the disabled behind. Please #passRPWDBill to give them their rights

Call to all national parties of India to help #PassRPWDBill in #RajyaSabha – it will change the lives of millions

Rights of disabled citizen can’t be ignored by Parliament. #RajyaSabha please #PassRPWDbill

The new law will help millions of disabled to get more employment and education opportunities #PassRPWDBill

The new law will give better rights and accessible environment to #disabled citizens. #PassRPWDBill

New disability law will finally recognize #Autism #PassRPWDBill

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