W3C elects new advisory board.

World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) has just announced it’s new advisory board who plays a key role in providing guidance to the team on strategy, legal matters, conflict resolutions etc.,

The W3C Advisory Committee has filled five open seats on the W3C Advisory Board. Created in 1998, the Advisory Board provides guidance to the Team on issues of strategy, management, legal matters, process, and conflict resolution. Beginning 1 July 2016, the nine Advisory Board participants are Tantek Çelik (Mozilla), Michael Champion (Microsoft), Virginie Galindo (Gemalto), Jay (Junichi) Kishigami (NTT), Charles McCathie Nevile (Yandex), David Singer (Apple), Léonie Watson (The Paciello Group), Chris Wilson (Google) and Judy Zhu (Alibaba). Many thanks to Soohong Daniel Park (Samsung Electronics), whose term ends this month. Read more about the Advisory Board.

And I would specially want to congratulate two folks; one is Charles McCathie Nevile (Yandex), who I met for the first time at Techshare India 2008 at his capacity as CTO of Opera Software. A highly technical guy with a lot of passion for accessibility. What I like about him is his detailed views on any topics raised in different accessibility forum.

Second person I would like to congratulate is Léonie Watson (The Paciello Group), a great speaker with energy, blogger, again with high technical knowledge.

I’m sure W3C never regrets to have these two awesome people onto the board. Kudos to everyone else too.


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