December 30, 2016
2016 Year in Review
Though it was a year with mixed feelings for me personally, from accessibility prospective, it was a fabulous year. A quick recap of 2016:
- In January, I have presented to members of Accessibility in India Community Group of W3C on Creating Accessible Forms
- In March, attended Techshare India 2016 and had an opportunity to speak along with Glenda Sims
- In March, WordPress went WCAG compliant
- In April, I have written accessibility review of SBI and HDFC Net banking
- May – we can count this month to mark Global Accessibility Awareness Day. Wrote a few posts to celebrate this occasion and spread awareness. Read posts written in May 2016
- In June, W3C has elected new advisory board, NVDA 2016.2 got released, wrote a review about accessibility of Jobs for People with Disabilities portal by Government of India. Read posts from June 2016
- In July, we have published Accessibility of State Government Websites. Don’t see any difference from then and now. will do another round of analysis in 2017 and let’s hope in the spirit of new Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, things will be better
- In August, we have resumed Bangalore Accessibility meetup, India has seen launch of Sugamya Pustakalaya (Online Accessible Library). Read posts from August, 2016
- September has seen a fantastic Accessibility Summit by Knowbility. Read posts from September 2016
- In October, I spoke to UX India Conference on Impact of Inclusive Design
- In November, there were a lot of efforts to push government to get the Rights of Persons with disability bill passed in both the houses of India
- In December, The Rights of Persons with Disabities Bill was passed by both the houses, got the assent of The President of India and became a law. Visit This link to download the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016 (PDF)
Have a great session and happy 2017! Let’s continue to make the world a better place to live!
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