Accessibility Meet-up August 2013 – Summary

Today was a mess. I was on my way to the August month’s Bangalore Accessibility Meet up and our car got stuck on the way and we had to spend a tremendous amount of time to reach out to service centre and so on, and I was delayed for the meet up. however, it was great to see those who attended the meet up interacted themselves and interacted with the students of NAB Karnataka. Here is the summary of what we have discussed:

  • Techshare India 2014 – explained the team about the event and its impact. We are planning to submit a few abstracts on some interesting topics! We will announce them only when if they get selected.
  • As per request from NAB Karnataka, some of us would be working on re-structuring their curriculum for their Computer training Unit with partnership of a few other organizations
  • Another exciting topic related to training got discussed and stay tuned for some exciting announcements in next few weeks
  • We will be creating a forum to keep track of our discussions. If you would like to be part of the request, please do send a request to info(at)sgaccessibility(dot)com

Jitendra Vyas: Sorry that there was no one at the venue when you arrived; but we surely look forward to meeting you next time.

Next meet up will be on 28th September, 2013.

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