#BESCOM make CAPTCHA accessible
Like many websites, Bangalore Electricity Supply Company (BESCOM) uses CAPTCHA to secure portal from fraudulent attempts. BESCOM uses CAPTCHA at several places including:
- New user registration
- Forgot the user ID
- Online Payment landing page
CAPTCHA implemented currently is a image based combination of alphabets and numbers. However, there is not alternate mechanism to aid users with vision impairment / deaf-blindness / cognitive disabilities.
Recommend BESCOM adopts an accessible CAPTCHA solution such as Google’s reCAPTCHA or provide an alternate method of athentication such as by sending an One Time Password (OTP) to registered phone or email address.
I’m sure there would be many individuals with disabilities and organizations run by people with disabilities who uses services of BESCOM and it’s important that portal should be accessible to all users including people with disabilities.
Do get in touch if more explanation is needed.