Start-up Saturday Hyderabad – a very valuable event and guide to start-ups!

These days there are several people who would want to be an entrepreneur that not only gives them a flexible life but also give an opportunity to innovate to fullest extent. But the problem is often times, people stuck in solving problems that they see and not sure who they could talk to.

Start-up Saturdays in Hyderabad would be a fantastic place for anyone who love to share and/or gain guidance on a start-up. Thanks Anil for inviting Deque to talk about accessibility and it was indeed a great time.

On 11th July, 2015 – theme was Social Enterprise and it was fantastic to see several start-ups solving problems like how they can contribute to cause of green initiatives and one of the talks I like about is the one who is building an auto rikshaw powered by batteries thus to reduce polution. Also, initiatives taken by BITS Pilani, Hyderabad are awesome to generate employment to needy people with their innovative ideas.

It was great speaking at the event and below is my presentation:

[slideshare id=50435847&doc=fe84a004-b767-48dd-a47a-32001e220cc3-150712123750-lva1-app6892]

Thanks again Head Start team for inviting.

2 thoughts on “Start-up Saturday Hyderabad – a very valuable event and guide to start-ups!

    • Author gravatar

      Startups indeed have a tuff nut to crack. Iā€™m sure your presentation must have inspired so many aspiring entrepreneurs in better realizing their goals.

      • Author gravatar

        Thank you, Prateek. That is true but part of the reason is that most of them would have limited resources and hence something like accessibility becomes low in priority. That said, raising awareness is our responsibility.

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