TaxiForSure iOS app – review by a screen reader user

We have invited a screen reader user Mrs. Kameshwari to write a review on TaxiForSure one of the popular cab services in India. Objective of this post is to raise awareness and make issues readily available for TaxiForSure team. We hope the team would make its app accessible.

Here is what Kameshwari says:

Taxi For Sure is one of the renowned providers of cab facilities in
India. I recently installed the IOS app for Taxi For Sure on my Iphone
4 to ease the process of my bookings.

I am a visually impaired person and I use a screen reader (a software
which reads aloud the elements on the screen for blind or low vision
users) called the voiceover which is inbuilt with IOS. While booking
for one of my travels through this app, I came across couple of
discrepancies which forced me to get sighted assistance to complete
the booking form. Below I enlist couple of such elements which need

  1. The button for airport and city taxi is being read as “p2 folder”
    button, due to an incorrect label. 2. A few buttons do not have any
    labels at all, hence are read as only “button”.
  2. There is a button announced as “selected” button just next to the
    pickup location. Clicking on this leads to the page to search for a
    pickup location. A more appropriate label could be used such as
    “pickup location search” button ETC.
  3. Once we click on the “more” button, we are able to view options
    such as “profile”, “change city”, “booking history”, “price chart”,
    “track taxi” and “about us”. These options are being read as mentioned
    above, without indicating what kind of element these options are IE
    links, buttons. However the rest of the options such as “”dashboard
    feedback”, “dashboard contact” and “logout” are read as buttons.
  4. When we activate the option “change city” voiceover announces
    “selected change city”, however we are not able to choose or view the
    other cities.

It would be very helpful if the development team of Taxi For Sure
could look into these issues at the earliest and fix them.

Note: For testing with Voiceover on an Iphone, please follow the below steps:

  1. To enable Voiceover: Go to Settings > General > Accessibility >
    Voiceover. Turn this on and you would be ready for testing.
  2. Basic gestures for Voiceover:
    1. Single tap: reads the option highlighted.
    2. Double tap: activates the option.

Do write back to us for any clarifications.

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